Jim Bowie reportedly charged a blacksmith named John Smith with making him the ultimate fighter/skinner. Bowie had once had a knife taken from him in a fight during an Indian attack. Not too surprising since most knives of the day were like your grandmother's kitchen knife. He didn't like being cut with his own knife. He had Smith make a knife with a large double bolster to protect his hand if another blade slid down his blade and keep his hand from sliding onto the blade. He wanted a larger, easy to grip handle with a large hilt so that it could not easily be pulled out of his hand. Since the original was lost at the Alamo the only examples of the knife are from copies that showed up as his legend grew. The myths grew too. One was that either Bowie or Smith had found a piece of meteorite and that's what the knife was made of. That's where the Star Child gets it's name. Historians are pretty sure that wasn't true, but it gives me a great theme for a knife. It has a false double edge. The bolster/guard is antler with a kind of faceted emerald cut detail on this one.