What Is This About?
This is gonna be fun. An exciting and excited new author named Ty Schwamberger and I have begun a new collaboration. Ty, after many years of hard work, is beginning to experience over night success on the back of his first novel, Night School. Which is the way it works in the real world. You can visit his site and read excerpts from the book, hear an audio file excerpt read by Ty himself, read some of his short stories and learn about him and his family. Or better yet, just purchase his book.
What�s this have to do with an old knife maker? Ty has convinced me that we should make a knife to accompany his novel. Oh, did I mention it�s a horror story? It seems his antagonist has a fascination with cutting tools. Ahhh...a man or woman after my own heart! And Ty is too apparently. Ty says he�s always had a fascination with knifes.
So, that�s what we�re on about. We are designing and building a knife that fits his vision for the characters personality. We will produce the knife in a limited edition, number run to be sold on a first come first served bases. The knife will be accompanied by an autographed copy of Night School. The knife will be engraved with some key elements of the book�s cover art.
Keep checking back for details. We�ll be finalizing the details soon. But don't wait for the book and knife set to come out. Buy his book now and then give that copy as a gift when you receive his autographed copy with the knife!
UPDATE! We've finalized the design and I've started the build. We've decided to take you along for the ride. You can watch Ty's vision come to life on Blade Zen Projects Board at the Drafting Board thread.